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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bad Teacher wasn't as naughty as I wanted her to be.

The movie was well, not bad.  As I heard it summarized in passing conversation, it had some funny moments in search of a good story.

Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake both fell short of the high hopes many of us may place on them for these roles.  JT is a total dork (pun not intended) and Diaz briefly pulls off expectations in the car wash and drug induced squalor.  The teachers in the roles were relatively authentic and believable, but the story played out a bit unbelievable and shallow.  Viewers will get some good steady laughs and ongoing humor, but not too much that is memorable.  Some more improvisation would have been nice, such as Timberlake's roles on SNL, or the ladies in Bridesmaids.

With a consistent delivery of scripted lines and a tub of popcorn, i can deliver 3 out of 5 Cyclones for Bad Teacher.  It won't make you wet your pants laughing, but it will make you laugh out loud in your dry seat.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

Green Lantern is kinda amber at best

We get the Jetsons on some sort of steroids here, but it was a sleeper films with inferior acting skills. 

Ryan Reynolds was unfortunately funny in the film.  He was in standard form, but not quite what was expected in the role.  As with most the film and acting roles, Reynolds was computer generated much of the time.  The CGI made the film relatively impersonal.  Viewers have to have the ability to imagine and create the story as they watch.  The tacky soundtrack and climactic episodes accompanying the notes were not making the two hours any easier to sit through. 

Comic book readers may want more, non readers may not care.  The film, unfortunately, misses two huge categories of viewers...those listed previously.  At this point all we can do is cross our fingers that the studio delivers on the promise of greatness with Captain America.  At least we have X-Men: First Class and Super 8 to take care of our sci-fi fantasies for the time being. 

Green Lantern delivered less than hoped for, but still gave something a few people can enjoy.  It will pull an unworthy 2 out of 5 Cyclones.

CycloneMovies.com Critic

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Art of Getting By - with kids in the picture.

The picture is falling in line with the FOX Searchlight status quo - scripted lines, good story and content, often dull delivery, lack of creativity, seasoned actors.  This film is no different. The actors were a bit too young and scripted to sell their roles convincingly.

The rebellious youth in a dramatic role make the film seemingly intelligent and a worthy watch, similar to WIN WIN or Juno.  The mediocre delivery will require some caffeine from the concessions to make it through the hour and a half.  Few emotions are stirred while watching the film.  The brain is pushed to comprehend what young George (Freddie Highmore) is throwing at us.  It was a fairly common story told with wonderful writing. The realistic yet awkward familial interactions and relationships  caused some discomfort while watching.

There are better films out there, but being partial to the "B" titles and smaller title releases, "The Art of Getting By" will pull 3 out of 5 Cyclones.  You will not get drama or action, but you will get some interpersonal struggles well written for the big screen.  Predictable from beginning to end, but a notable drama none-the-less.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic

Review Ratings.

Let's put these reviews into perspective. If there is a 1-2 Cyclone rating, the recommendation is to skip it. For a 3 rating, the choice is yours, and there is no real pressure for or against seeing the film.  If there is a rare 4-5 Cyclone rating, the recommendation is to spend the money to see the film in the theatre and enjoy.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Friends With Benefits

Justin Timberlake's butt...is in the movie.  There is little other value to the movie with the exception of some scripted one-liners.  I cannot even include an "and" at the end of that last sentence.  The movie was too simple.

The editing was so bad the high school kids, yes, the high school kids, at the screening even mentioned the flaws to me.  I was impressed with how little time was put into the post production of the film.  We know there were a dozen takes on each scene due to the poor editing.  It was too obvious and distracted the viewers from enjoying the movie.

Woody Harrelson is in this one, and we now know he can play a white guy, a white guy who plays basketball, and a gay white guy.  Each of the film's characters are in your face throughout the film.  The parents in the movie do provide noteworthy acting mentions, while the others are left drowning in their soon-to-fail at the box office production.

"Friends With Benefits" can be skipped in favor of a date at home, in bed, and more will be gained from the latter option.  A mere 2 out of 5 Cyclones for this film.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

Midnight In Paris

Woody Allen, on steroids.  He did fine with this film.  Owen Wilson was his lead and it was like Darjeeling Limited meets Night at the Museum...sorry for the awkward comparison.  He did a wonderful job with his verbal and nonverbal skills on screen. Midnight in Paris is an ideal date night movie. 

The storyline flowed, was easy to follow, and fun to watch.  We are left with a few questions with HOW and WHY and WHAT NOW, but we are allowed to look beyond those to the enjoy the picture. There was the standard Woody Allen-esque 'movie is over, go home folks' ending. There is definitely some educational and social value to the film.  As a viewer, he could have added another 10 minutes in the middle and 10 minutes on the end for total satisfaction.

No Academy Awards for this film, but worth the visit.  It is also worth picking up on DVD and staying home to watch.  For the good time, "Midnight in Paris" will pull 3 out of 5 Cyclones.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Green Lantern

Those of you going....post up some worthy trivia questions below, and also post up YOUR review of the event(s) and movie tonight.  Get Interactive!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beginners - not for beginning Ewan McGregor fans

You must appreciate Ewan McGregor before you consider seeing the film.  His unique style as a actor is bold as it is with Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  You either like or you don't like. 

Bring your thinking cap or your pillow along with you.  Your appreciation of the movie depends on the depth of your thinking and patience.  Your acceptance of homosexuality will be put to the test, along with your appreciation of parenting skills.  Beginners is slow to develop, but once it takes off, you can sail right along with it through to the end.

The pictures in the movie are worth as much as the dialogue.  The drawings and art are a catharsis for the actors and for the viewers as well.  The acting may not be what many viewers are looking for, trust me, I struggled through some of the movie as well and found myself glancing around to see if I was the only one scratching my head and hoping for more or a clearer understanding of what had transpired.

Beginners will pull a respectable 3 out of 5 Cyclones, mainly for the awkward start of the film. 

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

Buck - More of a mental health than a horse movie

You have no idea how desperately I wish to criticize this movie, but I can't.  The creator and Buck himself did a phenomenal job on the film.  Yes, it is about Buck....the modern day horse whisperer, to put it bluntly, and the horses and people he works with. 

The stories told make viewers evaluate themselves and it feels like a Dr. Phil session at times.  We are forced to watch and learn about the horses and human behavior simultaneously.  It is a grand experience.  As I was reviewing the film I was frantically searching for flaws and praise.  The praise section was extensive.  The flaw column was trivial.  Is the movie better suited for Lifetime or the National Geographic Channel, perhaps, but you will be glad you saw it.  The concept has been explored and is not necessarily new, but having Buck Brannaman and director Cindy Meehl on hand at the CycloneMovies.com promoted screening in San Francisco made us see that Buck is real.  The man is genuine.

The drama was legitimate.  It wasn't simply a happy story with horsies and cowboys.  There was human trauma and drama.  We see overzealous folks trying to do too much.  We learn about the human behavior and the effects on the animal's behavior.  Make sure you support this film and find some time to see it.  Buck will pull 4 out of 5 Cyclones.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

Super 8 - Didn't see it yet? What's wrong with you?

Cloverfield, Goonies, ET, Stand by Me, Lost, Signs, War of the Worlds---can we fit any other clones in here?

The train wreck was a wreck, literally and figuratively. With the volume turned way up for all 'impact' scenes in the movie and the mayhem of the event, i still was a bit disappointed.

We don't know what the military is doing, what the kids are doing, what the cops are doing. There were some cute laughs and quick action, but at times it was frustrating to watch like Cloverfield.  After seeing the movie a second time, I appreciated the story and sequences quite a bit more.  The 'ET' side of me kicked in and I found the roots and meaning much easier to digest.  There was one tragically cheesy scene with the kid and alien that ruined much of the effort and value of the film.  You will know it when you see it.  The new faces in this film: Joel Courtney and Elle Fanning (yes, Dakota's little sister) were phenomenal.

Flashing lights, loud crashes and crackling radios do not a sic-fi adventure movie make.  Worth seeing, absolutely.  Does it live up to it's predecessors like ET, Goonies and Stand By Me - no.  Super 8 will pull a notable 4 out of 5 Cyclones after my second viewing.  The crowd and surroundings make a difference when viewing this movie.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

Mr. Popper's Penguins - Just read the book

The movie was so dull the kids didn't even want to watch it.  It fluctuated from boring and tacky to mildly entertaining at times.  Being a Jim Carrey fan couldn't even persuade me to say I enjoyed the film.  Parents gave a few courtesy laughs, I laughed twice, and the kids never even paid attention....they even got free tickets.

The book may be a better purchase than the movie tickets. Carrey does a less than savvy performance.  The CGI and entire production was inadequate.  The story played out like molasses on screen.  The computer generated penguins were annoying and the real penguin was scarce.  Dr. Doolittle would be rolling over in his grave at this film.  The penguin poop jokes were not even laughable.  The movie maybe better suited for a Thanksgiving release than a summer release.  It is hard to pinpoint how to make this movie better or even what was enjoyable about it.  It is comparable to watching the English Patient and just wanting your money and time back.

Skip it or take the kids and grandparents to see Kung Fu Panda 2 instead.  Without much to appreciate, Mr. Popper's Penguins can only earn 1 out of 5 Cyclones.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

Friday, June 3, 2011

X-Men is as good as X can be.

The movie was a very pleasant surprise. For having a Thursday evening screening, it came through. 

There were few things left to be desired: Magneto's character, Kevin Bacon, and some of the CGI.  There much much to be enjoyed: All the other characters, the historical significance, the clear explanation of the bonds in the series, and the story itself.  Even if you do not follow the comic book series or the other 4 movies in the series, you can still enjoy this installment. 

Fans of Marvel, DC, or other comics will enjoy the movie.  Those with an interest in a good story and stay in your seat action will also like the film.  There is nothing post-credits, so get up and leave.  But don't forget to validate your parking as time flies in this wonderfully winded movie.  There is much violence and Wolverine tactfully drops an "F" bomb as well in this PG-13 movie.  X-Men: First Class will pull 4 out of 5 Cyclones for a wonderful movie with some fresh faces and storyline. 

Jeremy Brickner
CycloneMovies.com Critic