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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beginners - not for beginning Ewan McGregor fans

You must appreciate Ewan McGregor before you consider seeing the film.  His unique style as a actor is bold as it is with Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  You either like or you don't like. 

Bring your thinking cap or your pillow along with you.  Your appreciation of the movie depends on the depth of your thinking and patience.  Your acceptance of homosexuality will be put to the test, along with your appreciation of parenting skills.  Beginners is slow to develop, but once it takes off, you can sail right along with it through to the end.

The pictures in the movie are worth as much as the dialogue.  The drawings and art are a catharsis for the actors and for the viewers as well.  The acting may not be what many viewers are looking for, trust me, I struggled through some of the movie as well and found myself glancing around to see if I was the only one scratching my head and hoping for more or a clearer understanding of what had transpired.

Beginners will pull a respectable 3 out of 5 Cyclones, mainly for the awkward start of the film. 

-CycloneMovies.com Critic-

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