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Friday, March 11, 2011

Battle: LA review

Battle:  LA

Yes, aliens.  Aliens invading Los Angeles and 12 major cities simultaneously around the world.  This is a sci-fi action film for the entire span of the film. 

There is mass hysteria and quick action from the get go.  Having see this the same day as the tsunami in Japan made me realize the film was fairly accurate.  There are those that jump into action, some curl up in fear, and others naively stand around and watch.  The military was mobile within minutes, and they too had no idea what they were facing as they fire shots at noises and flashes.  As viewers, we were watching and waiting for quite some time without knowing what was happening or what the purpose of the film or military was supposed to be.  The unknown carried “Battle: LA” for about an hour and a half.

We only learn in the last 30 minutes of the film that the aliens are seeking (liquid) H2O, and the half dozen Marines are all that stand between the downfall of the Earth and the aliens weakest link.  Yes we get action which is what the crowd wanted and it was effective film making.

Tis a year for science fiction.  And cliché films.  We have seen a few, and the year is still young.  This is pure action and explosions and computer animation.  Yes, it matches Independence Day, District IX, and Skyline. Given that one of the highlighted quotes of the film was, “Staff Sgt., Get my men off this LA freeway…” was just too tacky, I can only give “Battle: Los Angles” 3 out of 5 Cyclones.

-Jeremy Brickner-


  1. The size and presence of the IMAX experience definitely helped this film in the rating.

  2. I found Battle LA: a ‘just OK movie’ not too bad, and not too good.

    If you want computer generated effects and plenty of it, you’ll get your money worth here. If you are looking for a good story line, originality, likeable characters, go see Independence Day..Again. Yes, the “Yes Staff Sergeant’ lines gets corny and old really quick. All the shooting of aliens gets old quick. The saving of the civilians at any cost seem so artificial or contrived somehow.

    And what is it with these advance aliens and their technology? You can fly billions , trillions of light years to get to earth, but you can’t build bullet proof armors for your soldiers or a good force field devices? Or a good ray-gun? Heck, Capt. Kirk has phasers and photon torpedoes.

    Finally, I hate the shaking camera effect. They’re trying to make you feel like you are right next to the action. Every explosion reminds me of Saving Private Ryan, with your ear deafening, your vision fading in and out, dust in the air, small debris hitting you and your senses slowing coming back to normality.

    I’m out of here, I don’t have time to wait for my bloody breakfast. (parody of Staff Sgt last line)
