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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Drive - to the theatre to watch this alone

We are drawn in from the opening, but can it hold up? Yes, it is consistent. It took a few days to write this review, I had to let the movie sink in. The movie has the feel of a mix of a Tarantino and a Woody Allen production.  Seem odd? Now you can understand my pain in writing the review.

Ryan Gosling is a stunt driver for movies and a mechanic at a local shop. He drives "for hire" on the side. He falls for his neighbor and adores her son. This complicates his life and sets up the script.

There is very little acting and depth to this film. If inaction (not acting) could earn and Academy Award, then Gosling is a shoe in, and with this movie I am reassured he is meant to be watched in slow motion without many lines. If the movie was filmed at full speed, it may only be a half hour long. The death (and driving) scenes create the R rating and also help make the movie intense and appreciated.

There is a plethora of product placement to cheapen the feel, but the super slow pace may also hinder viewer's enjoyment. "Drive" will only appeal to some viewers, not those looking for a "Bullit", "Transporter", "Vanishing Point" and others packed with action. "Drive" will pull 3 out of 5 Cyclones.

-The New CycloneMovies.com Critic

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