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Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Rum Diary

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it is a prequel to Fear and Loathing (in Las Vegas).  This is a Hunter S. Thompson film.

What is going on? Why doesn't Johnny Depp improvise and entertain like in all his other movies? Why does it seem like I am missing part of the story? ...and so on... We all have these questions. The story is well written and played out.  The actors (Ribisi, Depp, Jenkins, etc) play profound, yet subtle roles across the board. This isn't set up to allow one character to run the show, they all compliment each other.

The location and writing and portrayal of the movie is all fantastic, but as a humble viewer, I left feeling a bit empty for lack of a better word.  This is a Jane Eyre or Matrix type movie that you want to keep playing out and to have it continue for a few more hours.  We are engulfed and entertained, but only mildly.

Now, if the review helps you decide to see (or not see) the movie, I have failed to do what i set out to accomplish. Yes, see it. It may not win the big Academy Awards, but it is one of those you need to see, either on the big screen or via Redbox will do. 4 out of 5 Cyclones.

-CycloneMovies.com Critic

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